If anyone deserves a special place to call her very own, it’s Mom. Since Dad has claimed the bonus room, the garage, the basement and the shed, it’s time to make room for the lady of the house. Call it a Mom Cave if you will—filled with her things and her style, designed to be her sanctuary.

No matter what Mom is into—be it crafts, collectibles, keeping current on Facebook or watching old flicks—every well-stocked Mom Cave has to have great seating, hideaway and display space and plenty of personal flair.

Kick off your Jimmy Choos

You work hard, Mom. Kick off your shoes and have a seat. The seating you choose will set the tone, so do it up right. Treat yourself to the most indulgent chair you can find to suit your space. A curvaceous chaise lounge chair is wonderfully decadent. If you like a more casual aesthetic, an ample arm chair accompanied by an upholstered ottoman or a couple of poufs—for resting your heels and magazines or books—is comfortably cool.

Note to self: This is your space. Being indulgent extends to the palette of your Mom Cave. Don’t worry too much about blending with the rest of the house. If you want a bright red chair, go for it. Wouldn’t dare to have a white fuzzy rug anywhere else in your house? Fear not. This is your territory.


Strut your stuff

All those precious keepsakes that have a special meaning to you—this is where you find the perfect spot for them. In nooks. On shelves. They represent who you are and where you’ve been. Surround yourself with all things you.



Additional items that beautify a Mom Cave:

Throws and Accent Pillows: Deliciously soft to the touch, of course.

A Small Pedestal Table: Classic and feminine and just the place for a flower-filled vase.

A Small Writing Desk or Table: Great for everything from writing cards and wrapping gifts to scrapbooking and internet surfing.

Photo Frames: Transfer those electronic images into actual prints to be framed. Your friends and loved ones will be never too far away.

A Chandelier. It’ll illuminate your space with a sense of glamour and romance to make you feel special. Put it on a dimmer to beautifully suit your mood.