We’re going back to packing the school lunches and making sure our kiddos have everything they need for them to return to school. However, some parents are still choosing to keep their little ones home and creating their very own virtual classroom. Having an at-home classroom can be a fundamental part of your virtual schooling or homeschooling child’s education. After all, some kids simply do better when they’re learning at home. You don’t have to include too much when setting up a classroom at home, mainly because you’re trying to keep your kiddos focused on their schoolwork. Don’t worry about needing an entire room dedicated to your child’s workspace. However, having the essential parts of an at-home learning space can help contribute to their success in school.

Essential Elements for A Kid’s Digital Workspace

Setting up a classroom at home doesn’t necessarily mean that your child has to be enrolled in virtual or homeschool options. That is a decision only you as a parent can make for your child’s benefit. An at-home classroom can also be great as an additional learning space. Having this space at home can become essential when there are unexpected school closures, and you want your child to continue being engaged in learning. It can also be a dedicated place to study and work on projects so that your kiddo is focused and is able to work productively. If you’re looking at how to create a learning environment at home, then simply narrow down the essentials you’ll need for your space to be successful.   

home classroom desk

Kid’s Desks 

One of the important things to remember is that kids are a lot smaller than adults. So, getting them an adult-sized desk may not be ideal. Finding a desk specifically designed for kids will help ensure your child is at a comfortable height to work on their schoolwork. For the little preschool and kindergarten ages, check out the Delta Children MySize Kids Wood Table and Chair Set. This versatile set is recommended for ages three years and up to 50 lbs.  

For bigger kids, a desk like the Little Seeds Monarch Hill Haven White Single Pedestal Kid’s Desk is great for any stage of your child’s schooling. If your space is too small for both a bed and a kid’s desk, an alternative could be a loft bed with a desk underneath. Having a separate desk and sleeping area can also help with minimizing the chance that your child will get in bed and not finish their work. Since our bodies associate our bed with sleep, your little ones getting back in bed to work on schoolwork can have a negative impact on them. According to experts it can impact their sleep quality, productivity, and affects posture.  

Kids’ Chairs 

Finding the right kid’s chair is high on the list when creating an at-home classroom. If you’re having a difficult time, consider the following:  

  • The best way for little ones to feel comfortable at their desk is when their feet are flat on the ground.  
  • Chair cushions are a must! Sitting on any hard surface for a long period of time will be uncomfortable. Having supportive cushioning will help relieve aches and prevent them from moving around in their chair all day.  
  • Planning to use an office chair? Make sure to adjust the height of the office chair and provide adequate padding so that your kiddo is comfy and not slumping in the chair.  

Making sure your child has comfortable seating will also help with their productivity. Don’t skip out on this important step when planning their at-home learning space. 

Break & Creative Space 

As all parents know, recess and playtime are what kids live for! Having an area where children can take a break from counting and reading and just play with toys is truly one of the best ways to keep kids engaged all day. Setting up an area for learning breaks and playtime with toys means setting up a classroom at home that is more effective. If you’re not sure what to include in the creative area of an at-home classroom, check out these popular options:  

  • Legos are fun regardless of age. They are fundamental in the early stages of learning spatial reasoning, and great for older kids who want to build tall buildings and cities. 
  • Board games such as Apples to Apples are fun to play with family members or friends. Tic-Tac-Toe is also a great game to let the kiddos beat you at.  
  • Crafting is great for engaging kids of all ages. They can color, create their own sock puppets, or make something from whatever they find at home. Setting up a craft station with the Guidecraft Kids Desk to Easel Art Cart can help keep markers off the walls and create a designated drawing area.  

Allowing kids to just make things and use their hands to engage in unstructured activities will get their creative juices running. As with any type of activity, parental supervision is highly encouraged to make sure everyone is safe and playing responsibly.  

Organization Tips & Tricks 

Having little ones at home can make for a messy home. Nevertheless, a good way to keep a kid’s workspace clean is to simply find organizational methods that work for your family. Kid’s storage is going to be highly essential in this case. Use bins, boxes, and toy organizers. Implementing cleaning into the daily schedule break will mean less cleanup at the end of the day for parents. It also teaches kids that keeping a clean at-home learning space equals more playtime rewards.  

home classroom organization

Another way to keep things tidy is by installing a closet system. Closet systems play an essential role in keeping organized. Having extra drawers where you can store crafting materials, toys, and cleaning items like rags and disinfecting wipes will go a long way to maintaining your at-home schooling sanity. Although it’s a playroom, you can hang over-the-door shoe organizers in the closet to keep smaller toys, extra learning materials, and electronics organized.  

If your child is going back to school, their at-home classroom can be an extension of what they are learning at school but in a more relaxed environment. With so many schooling options these days, with each family having different needs. An at-home classroom is perfect no matter what setup you have. It lets your child continue learning, keep playing and the fun happens in their own at-home learning space!