When bedtime arrives, bunk beds rise to the occasion of getting kids tucked in. Bunk beds are making a huge comeback and kids love them every bit as much as adults. Discover the top five benefits of bunk beds and give your kids’ room a makeover.


Filling vertical space with bunk beds, especially if you have many children, opens up valuable floor space—key for creating larger play areas and making way for desks, dressers and other kids bedroom furniture.



With bunk beds, there are no added expenses for headboards and foundations/box springs. From a broader perspective, you can lower the cost of a home exponentially by using bunks and eliminating the need for numerous rooms. You’ll find that bunk beds are perfect fits in vacation homes and cabins, too.


If you want future ability to make room changes, bunk beds come with numerous options. Some can be separated into two twin beds—perfect for kids who might decide they don’t want to be high off the floor. Bunk beds are available in twin and full sizes, or a combination of both—helpful for accommodating kids of all ages. Bunks that convert into sofas give kids spots for getting homework done or playing their video games. For ultimate flexibility, consider getting a loft bed with lower trundle that can be pulled out. These are highly functional with built-in drawers and cubbies for extra kids bedroom storage.



Vertical freedom sparks kids’ imaginations for turning their beds into forts, space crafts, castles and more. They love having a place of their own to sleep, play and stow away their stuff.



For caregivers, if you need to take care of somebody through the night because of health issues, consider a bunk—you’ll be able to help them without having to leave the room. Outside of caregiving, bunks are a great option for guest rooms, especially if you’re expecting family to visit from out of town.

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When you take into account all the benefits of bunk beds, you’re sure to appreciate an investment that will continuously deliver convenience for years to come.

Do you have a bunk bed in your home or have you slept in a bunk? We’d love to hear about your experience in the comments section.