There’s a common theme with most closets — there’s never enough space! Clutter can be overwhelming, especially in small spaces. It might feel like no matter how hard you try to tidy up, your cleaning efforts never end. But each of our favorite pieces deserves a home.

Wondering how you can maximize our closet space? Don’t worry! You’ve come to the right place. Whether you’re getting an early start on spring cleaning or your closet desperately needs a deep clean, we’re here to share our top tips and ideas to transform your storage spaces into the neatest areas of your home.

Closet Organization Tips

Organizing your closet is a lot simpler than it seems. The first and most essential step is decluttering. Decluttering is more than a physical task, it can also be emotional. We love to hold on to things that have sentimental or monetary value to us. That could be the $100 sweater you’ve only worn once or your favorite heels that can’t survive another walk in the park. Either way, it’s vital to take inventory of the pieces you need, want, and can’t live without. Everything else can go or be donated.

Once you’ve decluttered, investing in closet systems is one of our favorite closet organization ideas. Closet systems make it simple to compartmentalize your belongings. You’ll want a space for everything, like your clothes, shoes, bags, suits, and more. Depending on your closet size, you can purchase a simple shelf and drawer organizer, like our EasyFit Shelf & Drawer Tower Organization System. If you’re sharing a closet or have plenty of space, a larger system like our EasyFit Ultimate Corner Organization System is the perfect addition.

You can still effortlessly tidy up your space if your closet or budget can’t accommodate a closet system. Built-in shelves can serve equally as well. That way, you can customize your build to fit your space perfectly.

Proper closet organization also comes down to how you store your belongings. Simple tricks like efficient folding methods and dedicated spaces for items can make a huge difference in the amount of space you have. When it comes to clothing, hanging your things in a logical order can dramatically improve how tidy your space feels. But you can get creative with what this looks like. Here are some ideas for hanging your clothes:

  • Having subsections for your short-sleeve tops, blouses, dresses, and pants
  • Keeping your most-worn items on the most accessible side of your closet
  • Color-coding subsections or hanging items by color, with each color grouped together

Best Products for Organizing Your Closet

Closet accessories are a game-changer for revamping your storage areas. Hangers, laundry sorters, hooks, shoe racks, luggage storage racks, and baskets can all have their special place in your closet. You’ll want to organize your closet so everything is at arm’s reach. That way, you can avoid creating clutter by moving too many things around.

Prioritizing the items you use most often is another great approach. For example, if you’re creating a space for all your shoes, be sure to keep the ones you wear most often in an accessible shoe rack. The same goes for items you rarely use. If you only travel once a year, store your luggage on a rack in the back of your closet or find another spot outside your closet, like under your bed.

If you want to create an aesthetic for your closet, be sure your accessories complement each other. Having matching hangers is a must to create a feel of consistency and tidiness. Save your hanger space for items you want to prevent from wrinkling, like blouses, suits, and dresses. Adding small DIY spring décor or spring decoration ideas like baskets and canvas boxes can further create a look.

How to Organize a Small Closet

For those with small closets, organizing can seem a bit trickier. But, there are several ways to not only organize a small closet, but also make it feel larger. Hanging items is a simple trick to maximize space and keep your things easily accessible.

Since you won’t have much horizontal space, you’ll have to utilize your wall space and possibly your door. This could look like hanging shelves and using hooks or hanging closet organizers